Brandy C. Powell

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Brandy C Powell

Atlanta Program Coordinator

Brandy was born and raised in Denver, Colorado, with her Mother, Father, uncles, aunts, two older brothers Justin and JP, Sister, Pauline, and her best friend, An.

It was Brandy's family who gave her the foundation she carries with her proudly to this day. "Nothing and no one can define you; only you can do that." Brandy started competing in every 5k that her mother could find for a two ½-year-old, usually earning the Youngest Competitor award for years. Practicing running with her Mother and Uncle gave her the strength to continue running when everything in her body was telling her to quit. Playing with her older brothers, family and friends kept Brandy close to home and out of trouble, for the most part, although playing football and wrestling with the boys usually got her called inside for being too rough.

Although Brandy spent most of her time close to home, her youth didn't come without tragedy and tribulations. Brandy lost her most significant athletic influence at a young age, her Uncle Fernando. Shortly after, her parents went through a devastating divorce, leaving Brandy without a will to talk or do much of anything else. However, she never lost sight of everything her family taught her, and she learned through her pain just how important family is. Shortly after her parents divorced, she met her best friend An, and slowly but surely, she starting opening up again. She became a competitive swimmer in high school and was again determined to be the best she could be. Swimming with and against the best swimmers in the state taught Brandy, once again, that it doesn't come easy, but nothing or no one can define you, only you can do that, or as her mother and uncle would say to the disbelievers "Pa Que Sabes."

Her whole life, Brandy saw her father as her hero, who served in the Army during the Vietnam war; she wanted to also go into the military after graduating high school. Still, because it was just after 9/11 in 2002 when she graduated, her father refused to let her join. Brandy went to Aurora Community College for a short time until she joined her sister in Atlanta in 2005, where she currently resides with her beautiful children and family.

When she first moved to Atlanta, Brandy lived off her determination to use her athletic skills to make a living. Her first job was with Cobb County Aquatic center, where she quickly became a manager. After two years of service with Cobb, she started her career and passion with Fulton County Senior Services, assisting the elderly with their physical needs, fitness, and ability to become or stay independent while also building her career as a Muay Thai fighter.

Brandy became a Muay Thai fighter in 2008 with X3 sports in Marietta, GA. In 2012 she met a coach that would change her life, Coach Israel Gomes De Oliveira with American Killer Bees, who once again installed in her the importance of working hard and putting family first. Those same values moved Brandy from X3 sports to American Top Team Atlanta in 2019, where she trains and competes now, under the guidance of Coach Tubbs and Coach Jucao. Brandy is currently undefeated in Muay Thai with a record of 5-0 and currently training in MMA, hoping to make a transition to MMA soon.

In 2018 Brandy was introduced to Merging Vets and Players by Coach Manu N'toh and Brandy became an MVP Coach shortly after the introduction. Immediately, Brandy understood the mission, and to her, that meant just showing up, being present, and trusting that you'll know what to do. She joined MVP thinking that she could finally give back to her hero's, veterans, and former professional athletes but had no idea how much she would gain!

Working out with MVP was like living the dream; she felt like all her childhood dreams came together to make one HUGE impact on her life. Brandy always wanted to work with veterans and professional athletes, and now she is. Physically and emotionally challenging her to meet new heights. Even though MVP is a fantastic dream come true, she quickly learned that she still belongs with MVP when life isn't a dream. Listening to stories of battles and triumphs from all different walks of life gave her the courage to remember some of her own struggles, and she learned it's more than okay not to be okay. In the MVP huddles, scares make you a Rock star, and your triumphs made you a Rock Star, too, because it wasn't about the number of wins and losses; it was "About that thing in between your ribcage," as Jay would say, your heart. And as Coach Isreal would say, "You can teach someone how to fight, but you can't teach heart….Brandy, you have heart." It reminded Brandy of her saying, "Only I can define me," and her mother's saying of "Pa Que Sabes" making MVP family.

From Coach Israel to Coach Tubbs, Brandy's coaches would sit, talk, and even cry with Brandy after a hard training session. MVP reminded her of the importance of genuine connection. The importance of a team and family that MVP is even when the uniform comes off.

From that day, in Nov 2018, Brandy promised to simply be there, show up, and in return, MVP has made the same promise. This is the powerful message that Brandy continues to share with members and future members. It's this message that inspires her to grow her MVP family in Atlanta. "Sometimes you think you're showing up for yourself when you come into the huddle, but you never know who you're having an impact on and who you're showing up for. Yes, you're showing up for yourself, but there are so many other people who feel a sense of belonging because you are there and now feel empowered to share their own stories. "That's what it's about.