Frank Weber

What MVP means to me: 

Today, I am honored to speak to you about something that has profoundly touched and transformed my life—Merging Vets and Players, commonly known as MVP. It would be an understatement to say that MVP has merely been a part of my life. MVP is life. It encompasses my professional journey, my past professional experiences, and every facet of my personal, emotional, and mental states.

MVP is more than an organization; it is my sanctuary. It is the hub of my existence, the core I keep coming back to, time and time again. It stands as a beacon of sanctity and sanctuary, a space of trust, integrity, and deep connection. MVP is my team room, my locker room, my dining room table, and my kitchen. It is the one place where I feel truly at home, a place where I can openly discuss the highs and lows of life—the pain, the joy, and the complexities that have shaped who I am.

In my moments of reflection, I am deeply grateful for MVP and everyone involved in it. It is this community, this huddle, this opportunity, that has been pivotal in my growth and transformation. Without MVP, I would not be the person standing before you today. MVP was my catalyst. It initiated my growth, my transformation, and it was there for me in my moments of greatest need.

Professionally, MVP holds dual significance. It signifies the 'most viable product,' me(!) the essence of what an MVP represents. It is a concept that has fundamentally transformed me, elevating me to become an MVP in the true sense of the term. Through MVP, I have broken out of my shell, shedding old skins, and emerging as the person I was always meant to be.

This transformation has not been merely about professional gains. MVP has taught me to help, to empathize, to work tirelessly, and to understand my true purpose. It has helped me figure out who I am and why I am here. For this invaluable journey, I must express my heartfelt gratitude. Thank you, MVP. Thank you to everyone who has stood by me, believed in me, and walked this path with me.

In closing, MVP has been more than just an element of my life—it has been the most viable and valuable product of my personal and professional growth. It has allowed me to become an MVP in the grander game of life, helping me realize my true potential. And for that, I am eternally grateful.

- Frank Weber, US Army Veteran MVP Virtual