Heather Clark
MMA Fighter
the program helped me understand my dad and myself.
I am currently a professional MMA fighter training at the Unbreakable Performance Center as an athlete and coach. I have been fighting professionally for about 10 years, having fought in the UFC, Bellator and ‘The Ultimate Fighter’. An MMA career usually lasts about 9 years depending on how physically demanding the sport is on the body. “You can only last so long getting knocked around and the MMA world (UFC/Bellator) doesn't provide player injury support.”
She is an MVP trainer for the weekly exercise workouts and has participated in the group mentoring sessions offering her own personal advice and struggles. “Training the MVP vets is a true honor and pleasure for me, as I have the most respect for all of them. Sitting in on the group talks after the workout really helped me put a lot of things of my own life into perspective.”
“I have always wanted to get involved in a veterans’ organization. My dad was a Marine who served two tours in Vietnam. He raised me with the Marine ‘mindset’ that helped shaped my self-confidence and creating the fighter I am today. My dad’s war experiences caused severe *PTSD, causingtriggers in my own life. At MVP, they helped me to better understand my dad’s issues and my own.”
“He did karate after Vietnam and got me into it. During my whole life he encouraged me to fight and always stick up for myself. I began fighting on the ice, while playing ice hockey, at age 13, I started boxing at 19, and MMA at 28. I've been a professional MMA fighter for 10 years. Even though MMA fighting is a form of physical combat, I don't think it’s anything like fighting in a war. I salute all vets and understand the challenges they face with PTSD, after years of hearing about it from my dad. My dad has been writing a book about how PTSD affects veterans and has shared many insights about the book. I hope it will be done this year!”
*In 1980 PTSD was recognized by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) as a psychological and mental disability, and was added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
At first, the definition of PTSD was focused on soldiers returning from the traumas of war. But in 1994, the definition was edited to include anyone who has had a traumatic event in their life.