Jarrad Turner

MVP has helped me get back with the camaraderie and brotherhood I appreciated in the military. Even though I wake up every morning with something hurting, I know on my worst day I won’t run away from it, and with my MVP brothers and sisters, we’ll push through. In Iraq, I couldn’t run away, and even though as a civilian, I’ve often felt alienated, at MVP, we are one

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Tim King

“I struggle with anxiety, stress, and depression from combat—driving and getting stuck in traffic gets me on edge, and loud high pitch noises weird me out. MVP has helped me come out of my shell, and it feels good to start talking with my fellow vets.”

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Roy Flores

“MVP has been monumental and instrumental to my transition. The morals, values, ethics, and optics that we have from our service and in MVP are of a different caliber than most people would not relate to or understand, but in a positive and powerful way.” 

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Bobby Wise

“A lot of people don’t like to talk about their military service for a variety of reasons—possibly because of survivor guilt, showing signs of weakness or feeling guilty for never firing their gun. Emotional trauma doesn’t go away until you process it and you can’t process it until you talk about it, and if you don’t talk about it, it’ll just fester.”

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